Not all ketamine clinics are created equal: Why Desert Sands Ketamine is the gold standard in safety, efficacy

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CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — Offering lasting results with virtually no side effects, ketamine is hailed by medical professionals worldwide as a “wonder drug” for patients struggling with depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders. Patients shouldn’t trust just any ketamine provider with their treatment, however. 

Interior of the Desert Sands Ketamine Treatment Center, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photo courtesy of Desert Sands Ketamine Treatment Center, St. George News

Desert Sands Ketamine Treatment Center in St. George, led by board-certified anesthesiologist Dr. Eric Evans, is recognized as the Best of Southern Utah. In 2021, the clinic won gold in alternative therapies and silver in behavioral and mental health treatment for 2022. 

“You can go to a place that delivers ketamine, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to get all the pieces of the puzzle that you need,” Evans said. “We use a complete approach to each patient.”

Evans recommends patients ask the following questions of any clinic before starting their ketamine journey:

  • Who will be giving me ketamine: a physician, a nurse practitioner or someone else?
  • Will a physician be present during my infusion and directing my care?
  • How will my ketamine be administered?
  • How long has the physician been administering ketamine? What kind of experience do they have?
  • Will I have my own private space to receive ketamine?
  • Does the clinic specialize in ketamine therapy?
  • Does the clinic offer a free consultation with an actual physician to make sure ketamine is right for me?

“No other clinic can answer those questions like we can,” he said. “We also have private infusion spaces with flatscreen TVs, recliners, noise-canceling headphones and your choice of music. We also have a comfortable waiting area for friends and family.”

Besides IV infusions, ketamine can be administered other ways, including orally, nasally and via intramuscular injection. But all ketamine clinics aren’t created equal, and neither are the drugs they offer. Nasal spray therapy uses esketamine, a variant that contains only half the chemical structure of pure ketamine. Evans said many doctors across the country, including himself, don’t believe it’s as effective.  

Whether taken in pill form or dissolved under the tongue as a lozenge, oral ketamine is also less effective for most patients because it’s processed by the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. While intense at the onset, Evans said intramuscular injections typically don’t provide long-lasting mood stability. 

With any of these methods, there’s no way to limit the dosage. The patient receives a predetermined amount of ketamine within seconds that may trigger a “bad trip” lasting up to a couple of hours. 

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Evans said IV infusion therapy is the safest and most effective way to deliver ketamine because it allows the provider total control over the treatment. Monitoring the patient’s vital signs throughout the infusion is also paramount.  

If a patient begins feeling unwell, Evans will stop their drip immediately. Any unpleasant effects should wear off within a few minutes because the drug metabolizes quickly.

Ketamine is well-tolerated by the vast majority of patients when administered in therapeutic doses via IV infusion. Desert Sands Ketamine tailors every infusion to each patient’s specific needs based on Evans’ decades of experience administering the drug. 

“We’re able to avoid complications from giving ketamine because we deliver it in a controlled method,” he said. 

Unlike many providers, Desert Sands Ketamine is a physician-driven practice. Evans personally meets with each patient to review their medical history and underlying issues that may be negatively impacting their mental health. Based on this consultation, infusions are tailored to suit each patient’s individual needs for optimal results.

“No other IV ketamine clinic in town has a physician who meets with every patient in person,” he said. “Our clinic is purpose-built for delivering ketamine safely and effectively.” 

Evans studied ketamine providers throughout the country prior to opening Desert Sands Ketamine and spared no expense in setting up an environment conducive for success. Patients come to the clinic from communities throughout Utah along with surrounding states and as far away as New York City and Los Angeles.  

Dr. Eric Evans and Shannon Evans, owners of Desert Sands Medical Clinics, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photo by Sheldon Demke, St. George News

Desert Sands Ketamine offers a spa-like, comfortable healing atmosphere with compassionate staff who are dedicated to helping patients achieve the best results possible. Evans, a respected figure in Southern Utah’s medical community for over 25 years, personally selected the highest caliber of nurses to work alongside him at the clinic. Every patient’s experience begins with a free consultation to discuss their issues and determine if ketamine is right for them. 

Ketamine lays the foundation to reshape detrimental thought and behavior patterns. Desert Sands Ketamine also provides patients with resources to improve all aspects of their well-being, including dietary guidance, meditation, massage therapy, relationship counseling and talk therapy.

“In our clinic, we try to help people focus on today,” Evans said. “Our goal is to help you get back to living a passionate, rewarding and productive life as quickly as possible.”

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, visit the Desert Sands Ketamine Treatment Center website or call 435-522-5190.

Written by ALEXA MORGAN for St. George News.

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