‘It’s a win-win’: Bubble Binz launches fundraising initiative, looks to partner with community causes

Promotional image courtesy of Bubble Binz, St. George News

CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — If you have a great local cause for which you’re looking to raise money, Bubble Binz is ready to partner with you.

Promotional image courtesy of Bubble Binz, St. George News

Having already made his mark in Las Vegas, Bubble Binz founder and owner Ethan Hardinger brought his trash can cleaning business to Southern Utah this summer. He’s committed to keeping prices low and making the service available in every neighborhood.

“Bubble Binz is kind of a unique company,” he said. “It’s something that can benefit pretty much anyone with a trash can.”

Fed up with dumping tens of thousands of advertising dollars into social media campaigns, Hardinger decided he’d much rather put that money to work in the community by giving back. After all, he said, it’s the great people of Southern Utah who have allowed his business to hit the ground running.

Anyone interested in partnering with Bubble Binz may contact the company at 702-222-BINZ to share the details of their fundraiser. Hardinger said he’s looking for schools, sports teams, charities and other community-focused causes with motivated, energetic people whoare excited to spread the word about Bubble Binz.

Once the fundraiser is active, Bubble Binz creates a special link that members of the fundraising group can share with their friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers and more. Customers will use the link to sign up for trash can cleaning, with a significant portion of the proceeds allocated to that specific fundraiser. They get the exact same pricing and service while supporting worthwhile causes in their own backyard.

Promotional image courtesy of Bubble Binz, St. George News

“For us, it’s a win-win,” Hardinger said. “People are introducing our service to new customers, and instead of paying billionaires to advertise, we’re paying the community and rewarding these great organizations.”

Fundraising groups have the opportunity to earn as much as $40 for each subscription sign-up, which equals the cost of a customer’s first two cleanings. Each fundraiser lasts 30 days.

If you have filthy trash cans stinking up your yard or garage, Bubble Binz can help you get clean. Hardinger said that disgusting smell isn’t just a nuisance – it’s also a potential health hazard. Dirty trash cans are a breeding ground for disease, but Bubble Binz doesn’t give bacteria a chance to grow.

Bubble Binz blasts away nasty germs and odors with a 3,500-psi pressure washer that pumps out water at a scalding 200 degrees Fahrenheit while the fully rotating, turbo spin scrubber head probes every nook and cranny. After thoroughly degreasing and deodorizing the can, they apply a disinfectant that soaks into every pore of the plastic to vanquish 99.9% of germs.

Promotional image courtesy of Bubble Binz, St. George News

Trying to clean trash cans yourself is a waste of precious time and water, Hardinger said, adding that Bubble Binz uses about 5% of the water that the average customer would need to attempt it themselves with a hose. Plus, there’s no mess left behind or dirty water running down the street; it goes right back into the truck. After being cleaned, the cans are rolled back up the driveway and left to dry.

“Once you get those clean cans, you realize it’s great and you don’t want to live without it,” he added.

Bubble Binz offers a monthly subscription service as well as a one-time cleaning option. For just $19.99 plus $7 for each additional can, they’ll visit on trash day once a month after the garbage truck and clean the cans. A one-time cleaning costs $49 and $17 per additional can. Learn more at BubbleBinz.com.

Written by ALEXA MORGAN for St. George News.

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