Utah high school seniors are missing out on millions of dollars in free college aid

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SALT LAKE CITY — Utah high school seniors are lagging behind the rest of the nation when it comes to completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Only 35.5% of Utah high school seniors had completed the FAFSA as of June — the second-lowest total in the nation ahead of only Alaska, according to data from the National FAFSA Tracker.

Completing the FAFSA directly correlates to college affordability for many students, as it is the only way to receive federal Pell Grants — essentially free money for college — and federally subsidized student loans. Additionally, FAFSA completion is often a requirement for many scholarships, including the Utah Promise Scholarship, which covers tuition and fees for up to two years.

These completion rates lead to students missing out on financial assistance, with data from the National College Attainment Network showing that Utah high school seniors left over $42 million of Pell Grant money on the table in 2022.

Read the full story here:  KSL News.


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