Horoscopes: Mercury retrograde activates eclipse season, signifying radical shifts for each sign

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FEATURE — Mercury retrograde is here — but it’s anything but ordinary, as Mercury is set to retrace its steps over degrees of the solar eclipse, activating fated events.

On Monday, April 1, at 4:14 p.m. MDT, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries, where it will then appear to move backward through the sky until April 25. Mercury retrograde amplifies the influence of this planet, alternately known as the Messenger of the Gods, which rules matters related to short-distance travel, communication and intellectual processes.

In the fire sign of Aries, Mercury drives us to make quick decisions and initiate action. We may feel more impatient, increasing the chance of tense conversations, especially in terms of wanting immediate answers.

In retrograde, Mercury in Aries takes on a paradoxical nature: We are emboldened to charge forward at a time when we need to take a look back.

Further characterizing this transit is the ongoing conjunction between Chiron, the wounded healer, and the North Node, a point of destiny, in the sign of Aries.

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While Mercury retrograde is often noted for its negative influence of disrupting travel plans, technology and communication, this retrograde pulls energy from this North Node-Chiron conjunction, empowering us to reflect on patterns of the past and make changes that have the power to radically transform our lives, specifically regarding the area of life it impacts for each sign.

This energy is particularly heightened when Mercury stations retrograde and stations direct: April 1 and April 25. We can utilize the Aries energy by recycling, revising, reevaluating, revisiting, rekindling and restoring.

At its core, Mercury is a planet that rules perception. And it is from perception that all else takes shape. Allowing perceptual shifts has the power to not only change the way we view the world but also the way we see ourselves.

Venus will further amp the energy of Aries, when it enters the sign on Thursday, April 4, at 10 p.m. Venus brings affection and support to the area of life Mercury retrograde transits. Fiery passion overtakes. We are more likely to be bold when it comes to love and fiercely go after what we truly want.

So what does all of this mean for you and your sign? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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Mercury turning retrograde in your sign indicates a time of personal reflection on how you present yourself to the world, dear Aries. During this transit, you are more likely to miscommunicate, which could lead to issues with your schedule or appointments. Impatience could build around a passion project you’re driven to initiate, but a slower stride is necessary to avoid having to take three steps back in order to fix your mistakes. The power to self-heal is on offer for you, but it’s also a time to protect yourself, as you are likely to feel past hurts more intensely right now, as a means to help you identify wounds you carry in order to heal them. On a bright note, Venus’ transit through your sign amps your attractiveness and heightens your charm and ability to persuade others. You’re likely to feel your best during this time and could catch the eye of a secret admirer.

April 20-May 20

This Mercury retrograde is happening in your 12th house of the subconscious and connection to a higher power, dear Taurus, marking a time to turn inward and make time for solitude. You’re drawn toward self-reflection, so be careful you don’t fall too deep into a state of self-analysis, as that can lead you to feelings of restlessness or an over-reliance on escapist tendencies. You may find it more difficult to rest during this transit. Instead of going forward with something, take the time to sit back and observe how circumstances are unfolding around you. Avoid entangling yourself with external busyness and let your imagination roam, especially with Venus entering this same part of your sky. Artistic endeavors could feel particularly healing, and it could be a prolific time for some.

May 21-June 20

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With this Mercury retrograde illuminating your 11th house, themes of friendship, technology and future aspirations are prominent now, dear Gemini, and you may find yourself reassessing your inner circle and the groups with whom you associate. For others, this could be a time of fated connections or reconnecting with someone from the past. You could find yourself ruminating on lost connections or ways that you’ve felt ostracized from a group in the past, and this could point to current blocks you have with emotionally connecting with others now. Venus enters this same part of your sky, bringing warmth to friendships. Romantic relationships could veer toward a platonic nature, giving you a chance to deepen your friendship with a lover. Single Geminis could see a friendship develop into something more, but the connection could ultimately lack a level of depth or intimacy.

June 21-July 22

Mercury retrograde sparks a season of reflection in your 10th house of career and legacy, dear Cancer. During this transit, you’re likely to wonder if you’re on the right career path or reconfiguring your life goals. What you put out now for public consumption will likely come under scrutiny, whether by you or someone else. Something you said in the past could come back now which opens a discussion. Be careful of acting on impulse, as you may blurt out something you don’t mean that could alter your reputation in some way. You may find your mind cycling around goals you used to have and wonder if you’re on the right track. Venus entering this same part of your sky offers support. Authority figures are likely to see you in a positive light. While it may not be the best time to ask for a raise, it is a good time to showcase your skills and leave your unique signature on completed tasks.

July 23-Aug. 22

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This Mercury retrograde brings a change of perspective, dear Leo, as the Messenger of the Gods treks backward through your ninth house of higher education, world outlook and personal beliefs. Since the nature of this transit favors reflection, opening yourself to your inner world and long-held convictions can help you gain greater insight during this time. You may discover that some of your beliefs no longer hold true to you. And by releasing them, you open yourself to avenues of thinking. Some could consider going back to school, and it’s a good time to review your career goals to determine the right path forward.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Mercury will be retrograding through your eighth house of self-empowerment, shared resources and intimacy, dear Virgo. This also is the house of crisis and trauma, which indicates a vital time to heal from an experience that caused you to feel shame or disempowered and left behind an open wound. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to face a similar situation, but rather, memories of the event are likely to resurface to propel you toward finding a resolution, so you may finally let go of past hurts. This would be a great time to reconnect with anyone you’ve met with in the past who served as a mentor, counselor or therapist that can help you gain the clarity you need to move forward.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22

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With Mercury now turning retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships, this is a time to heal relationships, dear Libra. This could feel like a make-or-break moment for some, but should a breakup occur during the retrograde, it likely won’t be the actual end. Take time to reflect on the health of your relationships, how you show up and what you expect from a partner. You may find that what you think is missing from the relationship is something missing in yourself. The chance of running into an old flame is likely, and it could play a powerful role in helping you realize how much you’ve grown. Venus in this part of your sky heightens the potential to meet a romantic partner with long-term potential. The key here is to take it slow, since Mercury retrograde can obscure perspective.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Mercury retrograde is happening in your sixth house, dear Scorpio, prompting you to reflect on matters of health, work and your daily routine. If you’ve become complacent in your daily life, you may realize now where you’ve fallen off track. Perhaps you tried to implement a new fitness routine that proved unsustainable. Or maybe you tried to find a better work-life balance, only to fall back into the push-pull pattern of trying to satisfy obligations and wearing yourself thin. It’s time to pull your well-being back into focus. Part of finding a solution may be returning to an old method, treatment or routine that worked well in the past or that you may not have given an adequate chance.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21

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With Mercury retrograde happening in your fifth house, now is a time to reevaluate what brings you joy, dear Sagittarius. You may feel that you’ve been at a roadblock with personal passions, what used to light a fire no longer brings warmth. Rather than continuing to force enjoyment, it could be time to return to an old hobby or sport, which could bring about a renewed sense of excitement or invite you to employ a new method, technique or creative envisioning that takes you on a whole new path. At the heart of this retrograde is a push for you to rediscover what it is that truly makes you happy.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19

This Mercury retrograde brings up fourth-house matters of home and family, dear Capricorn. If you’ve been wanting to renovate your home, this is an optimal time to start drawing up plans. You may face old issues within your family that resurface, giving you a chance to reevaluate the situation and heal old wounds. Some of what comes up may be related to your childhood or mother, and you may see that you’ve been hanging onto past hurts that are disrupting your sense of peace. While you may feel inspired to have a conversation with a family member related to this, it would be wise to take your time and choose your words carefully.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18

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This Mercury retrograde is all about reevaluating how you think and communicate, dear Aquarius. This is a powerful time for you to reconsider the validity of your perception and where your thinking may be flawed. If you find that you are prone to jump to conclusions or find yourself expecting the worst, it’s time to dive deeper into these emotional sensitivities. Perhaps someone said something negative to you in the past that you’ve been hanging onto, causing you to misperceive what others say, and thus it blocks you from clear communication. Confronting the root causes opens doors to healing. Writing can serve as a beneficial outlet that helps you uncover underlying messages that no longer deserve to live inside you.

Feb. 19-March 20

Mercury retrograde is happening in your second house of possessions, money and self-worth, dear Pisces. During this time, you could see changes when it comes to your finances, such as reconsidering how you earn money. There could be a desire to purge your house of material possessions, but it would be wise to wait until after the retrograde has passed, as you may throw out something you later regret losing. Likewise, try to avoid making any significant purchases at this time. You’re reevaluating what you value, and the chance to heal your relationship with money or how you value yourself is on offer now.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2024, all rights reserved.

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