As Memorial Day nears, Social Security draws attention to supporting veterans, survivors

Stock image | Photo by Arseniy45/iStock/Getty Images Plus, St. George News

FEATURE — On Memorial Day, the nation honors military service members who have given their lives to preserve the country’s freedoms. Families, friends and communities come together to remember the great sacrifices of military members and ensure their legacies live on.

For illustrative purposes only, Social Security survivors benefits are available to spouses and family members of fallen servicemen and women, date and location not specified | iStock / Getty Images Plus, St. George News
The benefits Social Security provides can help the families of deceased military service members. For example, surviving spouses and dependent children may be eligible for Social Security survivors benefits. Click here to learn more about those benefits.

Social Security benefits also protect veterans when injuries prevent them from returning to active duty or performing other work. Both the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Social Security have disability programs. You may qualify for disability benefits through one or both programs.

The fact sheet “Social Security Disability and Veterans Affairs Disability — How Do They Compare?” is available online. Depending on your situation, some members of your family, including your dependent children or spouse, may be eligible to receive Social Security benefits.

Wounded military service members can receive quicker processing of their Social Security disability claims. If you are a veteran with a 100% Permanent and Total compensation rating from Veterans Affairs, the administration will expedite your disability claim.

Thinking about retirement or know a veteran who is? Military service members can receive Social Security benefits in addition to their military retirement benefits. More information is available here.

Please share this information with the military families you know. We honor and thank the veterans who bravely served and died for our country and the military service members who serve today.

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