Horoscopes: June’s new moon is super sweet, inviting abundant new beginnings for all signs

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FEATURE — Making an exact conjunct with Venus in Gemini, this week’s new moon is extra sweet.

Building upon the energy of Jupiter-trine-Pluto that took hold last week, a new moon in Gemini will rise Thursday, June 6, at 6:38 a.m.

A new moon initiates a 28-day cycle that shakes up an area of life to call in new beginnings. It’s a time to set intentions and commit to fresh starts in the area of life the lunation activates according to your sign, which is further detailed in the personal horoscopes below.

In the mutable Air sign of Gemini, this new moon pushes us to be curious and open our minds to new information, communication and engagement with our community. We tend to feel more with our heads than our hearts due to the cerebral influence of this sign, yet it also allows us to approach life and its complexities with more innocence and inquisitiveness. As a result, a change of perspective is on the astral menu.

Aligning with Venus at 16 degrees in Gemini, this new moon increases our desire for more love, harmony and pleasure. Renewals in love, whether romantically, platonically or the love we give ourselves, are on offer. This also can manifest in terms of money, as Venus also rules finances.

The new moon also forms a square to Saturn, indicating that some reality checks may be in store before we set off on a new path.

So, what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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This week’s cosmic energy fans the flames of curiosity, dear Aries. With so much energy in your third house now, themes related to writing, learning, transportation and perception are likely to show up. Pay attention to what comes up so that when the new moon rises on Thursday, you can set intentions for what you want to grow in this area. Perhaps you need to buy a new car or switch up how you travel, or maybe there’s a skill you need to learn that could help you achieve your long-term aims. And with its conjunction with Venus, this new moon gifts you the gift of the gab, boosting your ability to sell your ideas. Just make sure you don’t promise more than you can deliver.

April 20-May 20

An abundance of planets is now energizing your solar second house, putting a spotlight on finances and self-worth, dear Taurus. The second house is the house of Taurus, so this brings you into your element. If you’ve been looking for ways to grow your income, the new moon on Thursday would be a great time to put things in motion. An opportunity to make money off your talents could appear now and may come through connections you have with others. You could also feel the need to spend more over the next few weeks. Be careful that you don’t attach your own worth to what you have in terms of monetary possessions.

May 21–June 20

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This is your time to shine, dear Gemini. With so many planets now in your sign, as well as this week’s new moon, this is a time that can inspire a great deal of personal growth. You’re feeling more optimistic and confident, and it’s likely that others are seeing you in a favorable light. When a new moon occurs in your sign, it’s considered the start of a personal new year. What would you like to manifest over the next year? Take time to visualize what you want your life to look like a year from now and how it would feel to be living that life. You could even go a step further and make a dream board. Venus in your sign increases your magnetism and has you feeling more attractive.

June 21–July 22

It’s time to do a little soul-searching, dear Cancer. With a collection of planets now pooling in the sign just before yours, your energy turns inward. It’s time to retreat from the day-to-day busyness and allow yourself to recharge your batteries. A long walk in nature, meditation, journaling or spending time by bodies of water can feel highly restorative. This is a rather sensitive place for the new moon and indicates a time to make strides toward establishing a greater sense of emotional peace and grounding, especially as the energy begins to shift into your sign later this month. And part of this may mean an ending of some sort. Venus in this part of your sky cranks up your imagination; a powerful time to create.

July 23–August 22

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You’re feeling in your element this week, dear Leo, as a highly social sector of your sky is supercharged. It’s time to pencil in time to connect with others in both a social and professional sense, whether that be in group activities, networking, meeting up with friends or making new ones. Your focus turns away from being career-centric in search of ways to bring more meaning into your life, as well as the lives of others. During the new moon, it would be fruitful to consider your role in life that extends beyond your personal life. If you’ve been looking for like-minded people, why not take charge and start a weekly gathering yourself?

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Ready or not, the light is on you this week, dear Virgo, especially in terms of your career. A revelation about a partnership could come about this week that could be shocking at first but necessary for you to move on in some way. This new moon is about setting or refining goals for self-mastery and long-term aims. If you feel that you are in the wrong career, set intentions now to take the first step toward the career of your dreams. With lucky, expansive Jupiter in this sector of your sky for the next year, you don’t want to waste time heading in the wrong direction. For others, this could be a time of renewal or change in your career. Whatever the case, it’s time to make sure the dreams of your heart are prioritized now.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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With this week’s new moon aligning with your ruler Venus, this week reignites a romantic outlook and has you seeking adventure, dear Libra. In your sister air sign, Gemini, this new moon falls in your ninth house of higher education, literary pursuits, long-distance travel and your philosophical outlook. You could meet someone around this time who becomes a mentor or positively influences you in some way. This energy could shake you out of a rut or broaden your horizons to show you how you’ve been limiting yourself. If you’ve been thinking about going back to school, trying to get something published or working out a legal matter, this would be a great week to start.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

With so much cosmic energy now pooling in your natal eighth house, which is the house of Scorpio, themes of transformation, shared resources, intimacy and the taboo are in the foreground. A new moon here means it’s time to set intentions in relation to healing and financial security. You are being supported to grow investments, deepen your bond with a partner and surrender to that which no longer serves you. Opportunities may arise that require you to be more vulnerable or transparent in order to revive a relationship or take the next step. You may need to take a closer look at your finances and from where you’re drawing resources, as there may be alternative routes.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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This week is likely to be pivotal for relationships, dear Sagittarius. You could feel the gaze of an admirer this week or even receive extra attention and flattery from a special someone. With your ruler Jupiter just beginning its transit through this part of your sky, this new moon calls for you to take stock of your relationships and how you show up. Relationships may begin or end around this time. A friend may try to set you up with someone new. It may be that you’re working to improve your relationship with a close loved one. With Venus making an exact conjunction with this new moon, there’s a good chance you could meet someone with long-term potential.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

it’s time for a glow-up, dear Capricorn. With this new moon hitting your sixth house, you’re feeling newly inspired to take care of your body. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re about to kick off a six-week program to get shredded; rather, it’s about prioritizing a part of your self-care you’ve been neglecting. If you’re already a gym rat, it may be that it’s time to take care of your stress levels or find time to incorporate more stretching into your routine. Or you may need to re-arrange your schedule to ensure you’re getting enough sleep or have time to prepare more nourishing meals. This may also have to do with work. Are you setting proper boundaries or running yourself ragged? Or maybe you’re ready to ditch a habit. It’s time to infuse your daily life with a bit more self-love.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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It’s time to let your creativity shine, dear Aquarius. With this new moon conjunct Venus in your fifth house of self-expression, your talents are pushing to the surface to be noticed. You could feel flooded with inspiration this week, and it’s a good time to allow yourself to experiment and play with whatever medium you work with. The fifth house draws out the inner child, where you are able to let down your guard and focus on the fun of the process rather than the success of the outcome. After all, the best discoveries often bloom from mistakes in what the late Bob Ross called “happy accidents.” If you do encounter resistance, it could be related to your self-worth or a belief that you need to be perfect. Forget that! Perfection does not touch the soul. Only the heart can do that.

Feb. 19–March 20

What’s causing you to feel unstable, dear Pisces? With the new moon hitting your solar fourth house this week, it’s time to connect with the people and places who route you back to yourself. It may be that a recent situation knocked you out of rhythm or emotionally stirred you in a way that you’re having a hard time finding solid ground. This would be a good time to explore your roots and reminisce on the collection of experiences that have strengthened your resilience. It’s from this place, this home you hold inside yourself, that you regain a sense of security. For some this could be about change related to your home and family, such as beginning the process of changing location or living with new people.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather, they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2024, all rights reserved.

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