Horoscopes: Strawberry Moon to illuminate sky after summer solstice. Here’s what it means for you.

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FEATURE — A full moon will illuminate the Southern Utah sky this week just one day after the summer solstice. This week brings a major energetic shift, a full moon and the summer solstice.

On Monday, June 17, Venus and Mercury will both enter the sign of Cancer. These planets will form a conjunction with each other after squaring with Neptune.

Thursday, June 20, marks the longest day of the year and the first day of summer for those living in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s also the day the sun moves into the cardinal water sign Cancer, initiating a period when we tend to be more nurturing and drawn to the comfort of loved ones and familiarity.

On Friday, June 21, at 7:07 p.m. MDT, a full Strawberry Moon at 1 degree in Capricorn will occur. This will be the first of two full moons in Capricorn.

A full moon is symbolically associated with culminations, endings and emotional outbursts. But this full moon carries different energy, as it is occurring at the earliest degree of Capricorn. In some ways, this full moon provides a sneak peek at what we need to bring into balance and puts a strong emphasis on the areas of life in need of our attention.

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Having two full moons in the same sign back-to-back is a rare occurrence. This year, it is happening in the sign known as the Sea Goat for its notable ability to conquer any terrain, from scaling the highest mountain peaks to the deepest oceanic trenches. There will not be a full moon in Cancer this year.

A full moon in the Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn highlights the axis of security. Capricorn focuses on the security we derive from career and a sense of duty and accomplishment, while Cancer, its opposite sign, is the security we derive from family and home. If we lean too heavily on either side, the balance is tipped and destabilizes our foundation. Thus, when the sun and moon form an opposition in these signs, we are asked to strike a better work-life balance.

In some ways, this polarity spotlights a conflict between roots and direction. If we are overly committed to work, we risk weakening our connection to family. And if we are overcommitted to domestic needs, our professional lives may be stunted. While Cancer highlights the importance of dependence on one another, Capricorn pushes us to be responsible and take accountability for our actions.

This Cancer-Capricorn polarity will occur again on July 21, when we will see another full moon in Capricorn at the anaretic degree, 29. The 29th degree in astrology is highly potent and indicates endings, completions and closure.

Since this full moon forms an angular square to Neptune, it’s important to watch for deception and self-deception.

Whatever bursts forward now has likely been building for some time, but now the impetus to change is all-encompassing. Avoiding emotional truths will only exacerbate inner restlessness and frustration with current circumstances.

So what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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It’s time to fill your well, dear Aries. The summer solstice initiates a new chapter, as the sun now enters your sector of home and family for the next month. You are now tending to the needs of your home and family life and you are more compelled to secure your roots and seek the comfort of loved ones. But just as your focus turns toward your domestic life, the full moon illuminates your 10th house, putting you in the limelight. Matters related to your career or reputation come to a head now, and you may be called to step up as a leader. Sudden job opportunities can appear and may pull you further away from home. Be mindful of opportunities that seem too good to be true and the validity of a possible exposed secret.

April 20-May 20

The sun will move into your third house this week, emphasizing social interaction and an uptick in day-to-day activities, such as running errands, making phone calls and filling out paperwork. This monthlong transit ignites your curiosity and has you hungry for new information. Siblings, neighbors, friends and co-workers will likely play a more prominent role in your life. But just as this new chapter opens, a full moon in the opposite part of your sky illuminates matters related to your personal beliefs. An urge for adventure takes hold and could stoke inner restlessness if you are unable to break free from menial tasks.

May 21–June 20

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With the collection of energy moving out of your sign this week, your focus is turning toward comfort and finances, dear Gemini. In tune with the major influence this week, security is at the top of your mind, and you may find yourself feeling the need to accumulate possessions. Pouring your energy into growing your income can be especially lucrative now. By the same token, be mindful of impulsive shopping, as the urge to spend could see you purchasing unnecessary items. But just as this energetic shift takes hold, a full moon will activate your eighth house, emphasizing a need to calibrate the scales of give and take. Someone may lean on you for support, or you may need to settle a debt.

June 21–July 22

It’s time for a rebirth of self, dear Cancer. It could feel like you are awakening out of the depths of a retreat, as the sun, Mercury and Venus all enter your sign this week, turning your focus on personal identity, appearance, behavior and how you express yourself and giving you a major boost of confidence. You are ready to put the past behind you and start anew. It is easier now to connect with yourself and boldly take action. And with Venus in your sign, your personal magnetism is heightened. You are likely to feel your best over the next month. And adding a bit of extra allure to this week, a full moon will happen in your opposite sign, which means those who are single could meet a special someone this week. Relationship matters simmer to the surface, but you are better able to negotiate and compromise. Relationships may deepen or end at this time.

July 23–August 22

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Your ruler the sun, along with Venus and Mercury, shift signs this week, turning your focus inward, dear Leo. This is a time for regeneration, and you may find yourself in a state of soul searching. Even the most competitive spirits need a break. Take time to reflect, recharge and allow your imagination to flow into dreamy places. Endings may happen now, but they will likely not come as a surprise. There is a tendency to seek escapist behaviors, especially when the full moon lights up your sixth house this week. But you also have the power to make significant changes. You may wake up and decide enough is enough and say farewell to a bad habit. Others could see the completion of a work project.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Your ruler Mercury, along with the sun and Venus, are entering your 11th house, sparking a time for social connection, dear Virgo. The sun in the 11th house tends to bring about a more lighthearted nature, where you are generally in good spirits and goal-oriented. Networking will likely pay off during this time, and you’ll feel more energized to get out and meet new people. The 11th house is also about the future, it’s time to follow your dreams. But just as this chapter begins, a full moon in your fifth house supercharges your sector of self-expression, children and romance. Some could feel the urge to pour their heart out. The chance to meet a potential lover is on high.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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Along with the sun and Mercury, your ruler, Venus, enters the highest part of your sky this week, which means the spotlight is on you, dear Libra. This is a lively time for you professionally when you are thinking more about your standing in the world and reputation. A desire to accomplish something meaningful drives you, and authorities are likely to see you in a favorable light now. Some could receive some type of recognition or new responsibility. Just as this new chapter unfolds, a full moon in your fourth house illuminates matters at home. You may need to get something squared away with your personal life. Otherwise, there’s an increased tendency to overextend yourself.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

With three planets now entering your ninth house, you’re feeling more adventurous than normal, dear Scorpio. Your focus turns outward now, which will likely come as a reprieve, as recent weeks have seen you more occupied with personal matters. It’s time to take a leap of faith and step outside of your comfort zone. If you can, plan a vacation or even just a day trip to somewhere new. You may otherwise find yourself feeling abnormally restless with a deepening urge to escape the daily grind. Just as this new chapter opens, a full moon will activate your third house, drawing your attention to mundane affairs. Do what needs to be done now so you can free up your time to plan your great escape.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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You are entering a transformative time this week, dear Sagittarius, as three planets move into your eighth house of personal growth, intimacy, shared resources and regeneration. While this tends to be a more introspective period, you have more energy to rid yourself of bad habits and get your finances in order. You have no time for anything superficial and prefer to delve into the depths of yourself, allowing you the opportunity to uncover talents, strengths and any psychic “junk” that needs to be cleared. But before this energy takes off, a full moon will illuminate your second house of money and self-worth. Pay close attention to what presents itself now related to these matters, as they could play a key role in your metamorphosis over the month.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

As the sun, Mercury and Venus move into your opposite sign this week, relationships become a primary focus over the next month, dear Capricorn. Your reality becomes more “us” focused, and you’re more willing to find common ground, compromise and cooperate. You gain by exchanging ideas with others and paying careful attention to feedback, as those close to you become like mirrors, enhancing your own self-discovery. You have an increased desire for a partner if single and could meet someone over the next month who has long-term potential. Those in established bonds will seek to iron out the wrinkles and elevate the relationship. Amid this energetic shift, a full moon in your sign brings your emotions to the surface, especially if you feel your needs have been neglected. Take care to assert yourself rather than suppressing your emotions.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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With three planets moving into your sixth house this week, work and health matters take priority, dear Aquarius. Now, more than any other time of the year, you take pride in the signature you leave behind. You are more detail-oriented and energized to refine your skills, get organized and nurture your physical and mental well-being. A tendency for perfectionism can arise now, so it’s important to maintain realistic goals and acknowledge your accomplishments. But before this monthlong chapter makes headway, a full moon in your 12th house can cause an overwhelming need to be alone. It would be wise to take some downtime now if you can. An ending of some kind is possible, or a secret may be revealed.

Feb. 19 – March 20

This week brings out your playful side, dear Pisces, as the sun, Mercury and Venus move into your fifth house of self-expression, romance, children, hobbies and sports. You are more flirtatious, spontaneous and willing to take risks, and expressing yourself creatively in any form is favored. Your powers of attraction are at an all-time high, and those you draw into your life will likely have an exuberant, cheerful demeanor. You may require a bit more attention over the next month, preferring to spice up life with a bit of dramatic flair. But just as this energetic shift begins, a full moon in your 11th house highlights the role you play in others’ lives and the essential part that plays in your own happiness. Someone could lean on you, or you may need to step up as a leader.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather, they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2024, all rights reserved.

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