Grady Clocks In: Soaring above Southern Utah with Randon Aviation, St. George’s new flight school

ST. GEORGE — “Grady Clocks In” host Grady Sinclair feels the need, the need for speed. So he called Randon Aviation, the new flight school at the St. George airport, to enroll as a student pilot for the day in this episode of “Grady Clocks In.”

Flight school is a gateway to adventure, a pathway to career fulfillment and an opportunity to join an elite community of aviators who soar above the ordinary. And for Southern Utahns who love the idea of having an office at 30,000 feet, Randon Aviation is the place to get your dreams off the ground.

Watch this installment of “Grady Clocks In” in the media player above to see if Grady survives to another episode.

Randon Aviation’s accelerated commercial pilot program is designed to take individuals with no flying experience and transform them into professional pilots. Students receive everything they need to complete flight school, from headsets to iPads to flight charts, for a single budget-friendly cost.

“We set up the curriculum for them so they can come in and just do their training, study, focus on it. And if they do it, they can get to the airlines within a couple years,” owner Randon Russell said.

After getting a preview of ground school, where students learn basic aviation principles, Sinclair was paired up with assistant chief flight instructor Brinley Billings for a demo flight. She walked him through the pre-flight inspection before they took off, exploring climbs, turns and even a zero-gravity maneuver high above St. George.

“That was one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had,” Sinclair said. “I’ve been on a lot of rides before, but that’s probably one of the best rides I’ve ever been on.”

Whether you’re looking to fulfill a lifelong dream of obtaining a private pilot’s license or launch a new career in the airline industry, your next chapter starts at Randon Aviation.

But will we see Sinclair flying the friendly skies anytime soon?

Watch this episode of “Grady Clocks In” and find out.

Grady Clocks In: Randon Aviation.


  • Randon Aviation | Address: 4196 S. Airport Parkway #53G, St. George | Telephone: 877-737-9887 | Website.

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