Horoscopes: A sublime new moon to follow a night of fireworks. Opportunities abound for all signs

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FEATURE — Following in the footsteps of America’s birthday, a new moon in Cancer will culminate a week of significant shifts, and it’s all about coming home to ourselves.

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Following just days after Saturn turned retrograde, Neptune will turn retrograde at 29 degrees Pisces at 4:40 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2, and will remain retrograde for about five months.

Neptune is a planet associated with the imagination, the arts, spirituality and illusions. It’s known to dissolve and cloud vision.

Neptune retrograde could ask us to put our dreams on hold, or we may feel excessively indecisive. Yet, mixed with Saturn’s retrograde influence, this is a fruitful time for self-discovery. Perhaps what we believe to be our personal north star is not. While this may indicate a feeling of disappointment, what leaves our lives is meant to leave, to open space for something new to enter.

Also on Tuesday, Mercury will move into the sign of Leo at 6:50 a.m. This transit, which lasts just over three weeks, ramps up our powers of persuasion. Mercury rules communication and travel, and in Leo, the Messenger of the Gods influences more confident and grand thinking. Goals take focus and, in true Leo fashion — the bigger, the better! Details give way to theatrics, and we are more influenced by a moving story than logistics.

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We tend to be more focused on our own ideas. We want our voices to be heard and to take the driver’s wheel of our lives, so to speak. It feels much more challenging to sit back and let others make the moves — we want to be involved.

It’s important to be mindful of becoming too proud.

On Friday, July 5, a new moon at 14 degrees Cancer will occur at 4:58 p.m., which will most affect those with strong cardinal energy (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra) in their charts.

New moons initiate a new two-week cycle, signaling fresh starts in the area of life it falls for each sign. This is a time to start new projects, specifically those that relate to home, security and emotional security.

The moon is at home in the nurturing water sign of Cancer, increasing this lunar energy’s influence. Changes made now have the potential to dramatically benefit the trajectory of our lives.

A Cancer new moon encourages us to find emotional balance and nurture our most precious home — the wondrous universe inside ourselves. Make a wish, set intentions and celebrate the wisdom that comes from facing the emotions we may have set aside. Bringing light to sadness, anxiety or fear, we cleanse our spirits by honoring the dynamic experience of being human.

So, what does all of this mean for you? Find out below.

March 21-April 19

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Mercury enters your fifth house this week, sparking a period when you are mentally inclined toward self-expression, dear Aries. You are more creative and verbally entertaining. A great time to share your ideas with others. You crave what your heart wants more now and could relate to children, romance, hobbies or sports. The new moon sparks new beginnings in your home and family sector. You have a heightened awareness of your roots, and it’s an important time to get in touch with your emotional wants and needs.

April 20-May 20

Mercury’s move into your fourth house this week increases your powers of concentration, dear Taurus. You have a nostalgic frame of mind, and you will likely find comfort in conversations with loved ones. This three-week transit can indicate an increased need to spend time on domestic affairs. Further characterizing this time is the new moon initiating fresh starts in your sector of communication and short-distance travel. A great time to learn something new and tend to the details of daily life.

May 21–June 20

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Your ruler, Mercury, shifts signs this week, revving up your curiosity and turning your focus to matters of communication and travel, dear Gemini. This is a lively time, when you are likely to be busier running errands, making phone calls and visiting friends and relatives. Your powers of absorbing information are heightened. And with the new moon falling in your sector of money and self-worth, these next few weeks could see you formulating a new plan for your financial goals. A great time to discover ways to grow your income.

June 21–July 22

A new moon in your sign this week is a time of renewal and planting seeds for the year ahead, dear Cancer. Friday can be seen as a personal new year, and you have the courage and enthusiasm to reinvent yourself in some way. Focus on what you want to materialize and what you are ready to leave behind. Part of this new way of seeing yourself is likely to be influenced by Mercury’s move into your second house, turning your focus toward money and what makes you feel secure. This marks a powerful time for coming up with money-making ideas. Just be careful that monetary brainstorming does not steer you into a state of financial fret.

July 23–August 22

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With Mercury entering your sign this week, you are feeling inspired to speak up about what matters to you most, dear Leo. Your mental acuity and ability to express yourself are heightened, giving you the gift of the gab, as well as a more playful and persuasive demeanor. Coinciding with this shift is a new moon falling in your 12th house, which indicates that some type of soul-searching is at play. Try to pencil in plenty of time to recharge and reflect. You could feel a bit more sensitive, so be sure to prioritize self-care at this time.

Aug. 23–Sept. 22

Your ruler, Mercury, changes signs this week, turning your focus inward, dear Virgo. Matters of the past are on your mind, and you are likely to feel yourself sifting behind the scenes in search of answers, possibly associated with who you know yourself to be. Your desire for alone time is heightened, as is your imagination, marking a prosperous time for creative endeavors. Be careful not to get too bogged down in the past. Alongside this, a new moon in your 11th house sparks new beginnings related to your connection with the world at large, especially related to your dreams. You could meet someone now who helps you facilitate a goal.

Sept. 23–Oct. 22

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Mercury’s move into your 11th house this week ignites unusual and inventive ideas, dear Libra. Conversations with others tend to be imaginative and enjoyable. This tends to bring about a futuristic mindset when you’re also thinking more about your long-term goals and what makes you happy. Coinciding with this shift is a new moon in your 10th house of career, legacy and how you project yourself into the world. For those unhappy with their current status, take time over the next two weeks to align yourself with your dreams and the steps you need to take to get there. Responsibilities tend to increase.

Oct. 23–Nov. 21

As Mercury enters your 10th house this week, your mindset shifts from novelty and adventure to career and business matters, dear Scorpio. Your ability to influence others through words is particularly heightened, and your ideas may be seen in the public eye as a result. A powerful time to strategize and develop career goals. And with this new moon sparking fresh starts related to your worldview. A shift in philosophical or spiritual perspective could fuel projects with new life. While this could signify a bit of restlessness, this energy is all about breaking out of a rut.

Nov. 22–Dec. 21

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This week brings a fresh new perspective as Mercury enters your ninth house of higher education, long-distance travel and adventure, dear Sagittarius. You tend to think about the “big picture” now rather than entangling yourself with the mundane, which means you’re taking everything out of their compartments and putting it all together for review. The key here is that you seek to expand your vision. Alongside this energy is a new moon in your eighth house, bringing renewal to skills of self-mastery. A great time to create a financial or savings plan or reignite the flame with a lover.

Dec. 22–Jan. 19

Your intuition is turned up a notch this week, dear Capricorn, as Mercury shifts into your eighth house. This brings a heightened sense of awareness, where you are more able to pick up subtle clues from others and see into others’ motivations. You also find it easier to talk about more sensitive and intimate subjects. Your increased ability to focus makes this a prosperous time for research. Alongside this shift will be a new moon landing in your opposite sign. Issues surrounding partnerships come to the surface, but you now see a new way to approach a matter. If you feel a lack of support, use this time to consider the part you play in a relationship and the changes you could make to improve the situation.

Jan. 20–Feb. 18

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Mercury shifts into your opposite sign this week, amplifying your powers of diplomacy, dear Aquarius. While you are likely to prefer more one-on-one engagement during this time, you gain clarity in your own thoughts by filtering them through another’s perception. This transit could have you feeling a little more indecisive than usual. Coinciding with this energetic shift is a new moon falling in your sixth house, sparking new beginnings related to work, health and your daily routine. Consider how well you are nourishing yourself and where you are falling short. Small adjustments to your schedule can still reap major benefits.

Feb. 19 – March 20

Mercury’s shift into your sixth house initiates a period when you are focused on organizing the details of your life, dear Pisces. Health checkups, clearing away clutter, and checking off to-do lists come with ease. You’re also more inclined to improve or learn new skills. Your approach to work and health is led by a logical frame of mind. But that doesn’t mean these next few weeks are all work and no play, especially considering this new moon is happening in your fifth house of pleasure, bringing renewal to areas related to romance, hobbies, children, self-expression and sports.

For a more specific outlook, read the forecasts for both your sun and rising signs. If you do not know your rising sign, use this online calculator.

It’s important to remember that astrology forecasts are not meant to be fatalistic. Rather, they offer a window into current energetic influences, so we may work with them and help foster a more wise and loving spirit.

Ed. note: This information is composed by St. George News editorial staff for entertainment purposes only.

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